Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms 1.5 Patch Download

Patch Notes (M2TW)

  • 1Update 1.1
  • 2Update 1.2

Quick post for the 1.5 update released by DETONATiON for Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms Expansion pack. Improvements of this new version are listed in the NFO here.Too many things fixed, if you have the game, download and install this patch. Medieval 2 Kingdoms Crack Download - DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1). Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms Patch 1.5 Crack Download - Mangonels can now be constructed at Siege Works in the Teutonic campaign. Swordsmiths' Guild Headquarters now gives the correct bonus to Knights trained in the Crusades campaign. Fixed Lithuanian Arquebusiers firing too frequently.

In Total War: MEDIEVAL II, you were only given a tantalizing glimpse of South America, but in Kingdoms, vast tracts of land in both North and South America have been opened up for you to conquer. All-new factions from the New World are also now fully playable, including the Aztecs, Apaches, and Mayans.

Update 1.1

Released 15 December 2006

Major Fixes

Fix crash in Deathtrack MP map with empty Team 3 slot
Fixed Battle AI - armies not engaging enemies at close range.
Fixed CTD when client attempts to join game that the host is ending.
Fixed instances when A.I is passive on the campaign map and lets the user win on a campaign battle when stuck in-front of open gates.
Fixed loop between the windows for 'Possible Connection Problems' and 'Really Quit?'
Fixed AI: Calvary not charging a spearmen army in a Custom Battle.
Fixed cavalry not attacking - instances when AI sieges a town with infantry and Calvary, if the infantry die and rout and the player still holds the city, the cavalry do not attack nor rout.
Fixed passive Siege Attack AI
Fixed Timurids crash (related to elephant artillery not having enough riders, CTD when trying to shoot)
Fixed Siege Attack AI trying to attack the back of settlements.
Fixed Passive attack AI
Fixed Cavalry charge consistency and power. (Still raise and lower lances occasionally)
Added ModTool Unpacker
Fixed Crash - Auto resolving a siege battle on Gaza and repeatedly Right - Clicking the settlement
Fixed Merchant Resource value dropping after load/save
Fixed CTD caused by Turks AI
Fixed Cavalry not flanking spear walls
Fixed AI not crossing river to attack (River Jordan)
Reduced the effect of morale - enemy AI does not rout so easily
Reduced the power of inquisitors
Fixed 'move to point' crash
MP Multinational support
Fixed Cavalry sallying out and not attacking (bunching at corner of settlement)

Medium Level Fixes

Fix construction crash when converting settlements when buildings relating to initial settlement existed in construction queue.
Fixed Settlement still showing as under siege even though sieging army had been defeated.
Fixed repeating missions
Fixed indecisive infantry / broken formation (when ordered to a location they would head in the wrong direction first)
Fixed being able to open gates with siege towers or embed them in walls
Fixed victory video not always appearing
Diplomacy - AI no longer counters an open proposition with a gift.
Fixed deployment lines being rendered incorrectly around ambient buildings
Fixed Enemy units remain stationary with flags flashing when ladders are thrown off a destroyed wall in a siege.
Fixed the carroccio standard not fitting through gates
Fixed gunpowder units being stuck reforming
Fixed trebuchets disappearing and reappearing when zooming
Tweaked morale system
Partially fixed units moving through settlement buildings.
Units now check if destination is in a building or not.
Enabled command-line switch to allow unlimited soldiers (removes message)
Fixed MP player-names being lost on battle results screen if they quit the battle early
Fixed the ability for a user to 'buff' their assassin experience by continually assassinating different captains

Other Fixes

Fix difficulty level in MP (Affects Morale). Previously defaulting to Normal.
Fix lobby tooltip that showed incorrect unit sizes.
Fix Florins display during diplomacy
Fix Money field looping into negative/positive value when removing / adding money
Fix overlapping and incorrectly sized deployment zones
Fixed cut-off graphics in civil disorder message
Fixed unclear 'Start Diplomacy' button functionality
Fixed MP Admit Defeat button functionality
Fixed missions showing as expired even though they have been completed
Fixed mouse-overs showing incorrect diplomatic information
Fixed minor FE Historical Battle error (shield remaining highlighted)
Fixed MP team chat - colours now match recipient and sender.
Fixed minor audio issue - Audio: Campaign Map when an English Spy is ordered to join an English army he triggers two 'Joins_Army' speeches.
Fixed minor audio issue - Campaign Map when an English Merchant is ordered to disembark a boat, two 'Movement_Disembark' speeches are triggered.
Fixed Mine income
Fixed MP ignore/ban toggle permanently banning player from chat
Fixed - Making an offer gives a blank scroll on the Diplomacy Scroll, but removing the offer gives the player help text
Fixed Mouse Cursor not updating when over certain parts of the UI.
Fixed miscalculation of some naval unit movement points.
Fixed units not leaving an army when ordered to abandon it.
Fixed 'Possible Connection Problems' message not appearing if user alt-tabs
Fixed On campaign map, castles appear under 'town' or 'city' title on UI
Fixed Reinforcements box remains greyed when the user deselects 'Attempt a night battle'
Fixed double speed on units that should only go at one speed.
Fixed Stakes not appearing correctly in weather conditions
Fixed non-functional help button on ransom scrolls
Fixed intro movies playing at x3 speed in Historical battles
Fixed transfer army functionality - When transferring men the transfer resets after viewing the description
Fixed Gunpowder units running forward when given targets.
Fixed clumping units when they are told to do a 180 degree turn
Fixed stuck Camera issues
Fixed Fleeing units rallying at breached walls or gates of settlements they are attacking when they should not

Update 1.2

Released 4 May 2007

Primary features for Update 2:

1) The Launcher
2) Cinematic Editor
3) Battle Editor (now fully functional)

Resolved Bugs/Issues:


Units do not clump together when told to complete a 180 degree turn.
Janissary Musketeers now fire consistently.
Enemy AI army formations in bridge battles now allow their own artillery to fire.
Enemy cannons do not fire at unbreakable walls.
Grouped archers out of ammo will attack enemy units in melee combat when ordered to do so.
AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates.
When defending an enemy settlement with multiple exits, taking your army out of the side/back door does not make it easier to defeat the enemy.
Siege AI is not passive.
Cavalry can now charge a spearman army.
General's bodyguard unit now marches correctly outside castles.
AI now effectively assaults 2nd tier of a Fortress.
Sallying AI army now reacts properly to being assaulted from 2 sides
Attacking Siege AI concentrates on taking the settlement rather than chasing down units outside the settlement.
Generals are now more effective at chasing down routing units.
Enemy AI reacts to being bombarded with Trebuchets while inside a settlement.
Siege AI now more difficult to defeat if player places missile units outside the walls.
AI controls it units more effectively in a Citadel
AI artillery more decisive in its positioning
Remaining AI army now advances to use siege equipment
AI Cavalry can now flank a Spear Wall
AI now responds to missiles when sieging settlements
AI now crosses bridges to attack
AI responds more quickly to gates that have been opened by Spies (while sieging).
Units do not break formation when chasing routers
Enemy AI effectively attacks when player's units in a settlement square
Enemy AI now utilises spare rams
Improved enemy AI response to stakes
Shortened Siege attack timers
Enemy AI will no-longer send out General's bodyguard on a suicide mission while defending


Improved responses to monetary offers
Bribery attempts do not always fail after an unsuccessful first attempt
Diplomatic 'Just Rejected' response no-longer to 'Not Interested' response to counter-offer, no matter how generous
Aztecs now appear in the correct year (for diplomacy actions)
Generals in a Crusade do not get inquisition
Improved diplomacy mechanic - AI Factions now stick with alliances and/or attack 'more intelligently'


Soft-locks in MP Lobby no-longer occur
Host random hangs fixed
Resolved issue with client CTD when host ends game that client is joining
Auto-resolve Siege battle hangs fixed
Siege tower catching fire no-longer causes random hangs
Random hangs after loading Campaign save game


Battering Rams no-longer stuck in gates
Ship movement area fixed
Ram crew no-longer stuck between rams
Northern European Castle terrain fixed to allow docking of towers
Improved use of ladders
Southern European Fortress wall fixed to allow docking of towers
Improved the way units use Way-points
Siege of Setenil slow-down tweaked
Units no-longer become stuck on canyon walls on 'Canyon' map
Units do not ascend/descend invisible ladders
Units do not get stuck on Siege towers
Cavalry pathfinding improved when sallying out from a Fortress
Bridge battle pathfinding improved (units do not constantly reform)
Citadel and Fortress paths fixed so that units can avoid assaulting inner walls
Breach pathfinding tweaked


Enemy spearmen do not charge with raised spears
2H axemen attack tweaked, inc. Attacking Cavalry
Defending units can no-longer enter a siege tower as soon as it docks with the walls


Mouse Cursor position now updates when scrolling with the arrow keys.
Assassination exploit fixed.
Mission 'Reinforce Region' now functions correctly
Attacking an enemy army from inside a sieged settlement no-longer causes the enemy to lose all built siege equipment
Fixed two family members (brothers) with the exact same name
Rudder event now triggers at the correct time
When an enemy sallies and is defeated you no-longer have to wait for the timer to run out in-order to win.
Assassin mechanics tweaked
Mercenary recruitment tweaked
Diplomatic Information scroll updates correctly.
Online replays now match
Slowdown fixed on Desert Sanctuary
Metallic Resource now support Mines
Cavalry charges do not fail when charging skirmishing/moving units or if a knight is out of position
Units can now withdraw on the Eifel Mountains Battle Map
Construction queue exploits fixed
The carroccio standard can now fit through the gate on a sally out battle.
Southern European > Fortress: routing Enemy AI now leaving the map
Printing press event triggers at the correct time
Ladder docking/undocking tweaked
Faction standings tweaked
Priests no-longer convert to heretics if travelling on a fleet
Hotseat Game-mode added
Upper limit added on how long units stay in loose formation for.
Traits/VnV triggers tweaked


Camera height does not drop under bridge in River Po Custom Battle map.
Camera does not drop below water's surface in Palm Beach, Andalusia and Italian Wars map/scenarios.
Camera does not show the underneath of a bridge when General is killed on the bridge


Drag Deploy functionality tweaked
RTS camera functionality tweaked


Princess character now greyed out upon death on Family tree
Venice battlemap ambient building placement tweaked
Fixed issue with trees disappearing when panning camera
Added paths to doorways in Southern European Large City
Added paths to doorways in Southern European City
Fixed minor lighting issue in Southern European City
Fixed misaligned platforms in Southern European Large Town
Tweaked Crusade Army banner
Fixed texture gaps and unwelded verts on Middle Eastern Huge City buildings.
Fixed incorrect Tower Path in Mesoamerican City
Fixed path through wall in Mesoamerican City Wall
Fixed floating buildings above the battle map in Aztec Gold Scenario
Fixed floating spikes in Mountain Redoubt scenario
Added correct image for Paladin ancillary
Fixed grey reinforcement area that states that 'This army cannot fight in night battles' even though the current battle is not a night battle.
Added correct image for Aztec Rebel - Native Archer
Added correct image for Aztec Spearmen
Fixed floating torches in SE Citadel courtyard
Garrison quarters no-longer change to Town Guard when in Construction queue
Armoury building image in construction queue no-longer changes to an armoury
Fixed issue with Trebuchets sometimes disappearing when zooming in close
Fixed maps have the winter option but don't have winter texture on the battle map
Night attack selection tick and reinforcements do not disappear if user selects night attack option and then views enemy army details.
Fixed officers not animating while riding
Removed trees in the water in The Battle of Otumba.


Units can no-longer be deployed on inaccessible sections of wall
Fixed deployment issues with Southern European Wooden Castle on either side of the main gate.
Units no-longer deployable in buildings in Mesoamerican City


Medieval: Total War Patches — Total War Forums

Ballista collision improved
Southern European Citadel gate collision improved
Middle Eastern Gatehouse collision improved
Issues with units getting pushed into areas that can't be deployed into.

Battle Editor/Cinematic Editor

Numerous issues with both editors fixed and improved so that they can be released for public use.


Mission scroll hotkey added
Financial Details hotkey functionality and tooltip added
Reveal/Advance advice hotkey functionality added
Battle Tutorial Dismiss advice functionality added
Magnifying glass added to Disaster Strikes scroll
Princess appears correctly on family tree
Chat Window errors fixed
Family Tragedy scroll triggered correctly
Console text appearance tweaked
Now possible to launch game from autorun launcher
Fine Grain time control added (accessible by holding Shift and clicking + and - on battle UI)


Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms 1.5 Patch DownloadMedieval 2 Total War Kingdoms 1.5 Patch Download
Loading saved game of the same turn no-longer allows user to keep both allies when they declare war
Russian and Czech autosave fixed


Movement_Embark speech now triggered correctly
Allies breaking through gates of citadel now triggers correct speech
Battle ending in draw when timer runs out now triggers correct speech
Campaign Map interface sounds added
End Turn sound now fades out nicely
Win/Lose music is now representative of the Faction
Enemy King killed speech now triggered
Enemy Reinforcements arrive speech now triggered correctly
Player Army Tired Battle Event Speech is now triggered.
Player Army Half Gone Battle Event Speech is now triggered.
Enemy Army Half Gone Battle Event Speech is now triggered.
Player Under Attack Idle Battle Event Speech is now triggered.
Player Winning Combat Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
Player Losing Combat Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
Leaves Fleet speech now triggered correctly.
Player Tide Of Battle Up Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
Player Tide Of Battle Down Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
Muslim Enemy General Killed Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
Christian Enemy General Killed Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
Allied General Captured Battle Event Speech now triggered correctly.
The 'spy infiltrated our settlement' audio/speech is now played when 'Start battle' is pressed during cutscene
Correct region music plays when loading a saved campaign game.
Added sound trigger for planting archer stakes in ground.
Clicked-on characters on the Campaign Map no-longer stack their audio response if clicked multiple times.
In the Historical battles, Battle of Otumba and the Battle of Hastings the music speeds up when you attack
Other minor audio tweaks also carried out.


Minor grammar/spelling errors fixed

Edit: We have received word that the Shield issue WILL be addressed in update 2. :-)

Update 1.3

Released 4 September 2007

Medieval II: Total War v1.3 contains the following changes:

Core Medieval II settlement data updated to function correctly with Medieval II: Kingdoms.

Fixes some instances of floating settlements in Medieval II: TW and Medieval II: Kingdoms.

Updates version number to 1.3

Update 1.5

Released 9 April 2008

The official update for Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms includes the following fixes:

Forts in the Crusades campaign are now made of stone.
Fixed various units having incorrect shield values.
Fixed a number of inconsistencies between units’ speech and their unit cards.
Fixed deployment zones being in unreachable locations on some river crossings and bridge battles.
Byzantine Gunners are now available to be recruited in the Crusades campaign.
Denmark now has Norwegian units available to them when the Kalmar Union is formed.
The Kingdom of Jerusalem can now construct King’s Stables.
Byzantine can now construct a Marksmanship Range.
Mangonels can now be constructed at Siege Works in the Teutonic campaign.
Swordsmiths’ Guild Headquarters now gives the correct bonus to Knights trained in the Crusades campaign.
Fixed Lithuanian Arquebusiers firing too frequently.
Fixed various units having incorrect banners on the battle map.
Fixed exploit that allowed certain characters’ stats to be raised by repeatedly saving the game.
New Faction Leaders in the Teutonic campaign now have the correct model.
Crusading Nobles can no longer become the Faction Leader in the Teutonic campaign.
Fixed Wales not receiving reinforcements when capturing bordering English settlements.
Requirements of various Apachean units have been reduced allowing them to be more easily obtained.
Fixed the Norwegian banners displaying the Novgorod symbol when out of fog of war.
The Baron’s Alliance no longer re-emerges after taking control of England.
Assassination missions targeting Crusading Nobles no longer expire when they are successfully carried out.
Dead wives no longer produce children in the Crusades campaign.
Faction heirs in the Americas campaign have had their loyalty increased to fix them rebelling early in the game.
Players no longer receive incorrect event messages in hotseat games.
Unique models on characters are removed when they change faction.
Fixed the family tree disappearing when a princess is married to General who becomes the Faction Leader.
Fixed Scottish family tree in the Britannia campaign.
Fixed soft-lock that occurred with multiple armies on the battle map.
Fixed crash that occurred when disbanding a unit whilst merging two armies.
Crash after auto-resolving a siege battle from a hotseat save game no longer occurs.
Crash that occurred when loading a battle from the campaign map edge no longer occurs.
Kingdoms no longer crashes when playing battles after unpacking the game's data.
Fixed unique unit recruitment in the Crusades campaign.
Small black rectangles no longer appear on the campaign map.
Improved siege auto-resolve for the Britannia, Crusades and Teutonic campaigns.
Various localisation fixes.

Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms - Stainless Steel V.6.4

There are also a number of miscellaneous fixes and balance tweaks included.

External links

Retrieved from ‘’

Fix a number of issues and re-balance some gameplay aspects by downloading and installing this Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms Patch

Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms is an expansion for Medieval II: Total War which brings four new campaigns for players to enjoy.

Each one of the new campaigns focuses on a different geographical region. The expansion provides the Americas, Britannia, Crusades and Teutonic campaigns.

There are 13 new playable factions, hero characters now have special abilities, 6 multiplayer scenarios and 9 new agent types. Additionally, forts can be permanently built and moats can be added to them, some technology trees can influence Religion and Prestige and siege weapons have a new feature.

By downloading and installing this patch, players can benefit from a good number of bugs being fixed and with them, the game receives a good amount of re-balancing.

System requirements

  • Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms

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