Sansamp Vst Plugin Free Download
SoftAmp PSA
- Sansamp Vst Plugin Free Download Windows 7
- Sansamp Vst Plugin free download. software
- Sansamp Vst Plugin Free Downloads
- Tech 21 SansAmp Classic Not an effects pedal per se, at least, not in the strictest sense, but a veritable classic returns in the form of Tech 21's SansAmp Classic. An all-analogue guitar amp and speaker simulator in pedal form, over the years it has blessed many a DI recording with the organic warmth of a tube amp.
- See also: Best FREE Transient Shaper VST/AU Plugins! While distortion plugins used to be somewhat one-dimensional, they have come a long way and have gotten a lot more elaborate. It used to be that gain and volume were pretty much the only parameters that distortion plugins offered, but those days are gone.
Tech 21 SansAmp GT2 & Walrus Audio Voyager. Munaf: “The SansAmp is sometimes used as a booster, but I use it more as the main distortion, and then the Walrus pedal, it gives this great kind of ‘soft’ dirt, which I use to play some lines off the newest album. But then those in conjunction help boost one another.”.
SoftAmp PSA is a virtual-analog guitar pre-amp supplemented with noise gate and compressor, all modeled after famous guitar gear that needs no introduction.

At its core there are 5 distortion stages. First three are based on op-amps with zener diodes in the feedback chain, while the last two are just op-amps being overdriven into saturation. They are followed by tonestack, speaker simulator and an output level control. Each overdrive stage has a distinct frequency shaping quality according to their names. See the EQ plot in the bottom right corner for details.
All stages are modeled as nonlinear filters with their outputs depending on both the frequency and the amplitude of the input signal. It gives the most accurate digital representation, compared to cascaded filter/static waveshaper approach.
In addition to the basic controls, there are two more knobs that control the speaker simulator parameters - Shape and Rolloff. With both knobs at 0, the speaker simulator is completely bypassed (for example, to be used with external impulse loader).
Giving even finer control over the gain structure, there are two more buttons - Asymmetric and Soft-Clip. The former applies to the zener diode stages and replaces the default 4.7v/4.7v zener pair with intentionally unbalanced 3.3v/4.7v pair to saturate the signal with even harmonics. The more the first three stages are overdriven, the more pronounced is the effect. See the clipping LED indicators to have a feel of which stage gets the most saturation from the signal. The Soft-Clip function applies to the two overdriven op-amps and changes their open-loop gain from 1 million to just 200. This effectively makes the transition from linear to saturated region much more softer, making the distortion less harsh and also helping the fading notes sound smoother.
The PSI Denoiser is noise gate with adaptive release time. It has a handy 'Learn' function. Don't play anything on your guitar and hit the Learn button. As soon as the LED goes off, the gate threshold will be automatically set to match your noise level. The noise gate is applied directly to the input signal.
The Squeezo Range compressor is applied to the signal right before entering the PSA pre-amp. It's a very nonlinear, but musical sounding device. It acts as both upward and downward compressor depending on the gain and bias setting. In the original device those controls were not available for user adjustment.
Sansamp Vst Plugin Free Download Windows 7
This plugin was made for KVRAudio Develope Challenge 2016. If you like it, and happen to have a KVRAudio account, please consider voting for it before December, 18th!

1.0.00 - 01.12.2016
- Initial Release
Sansamp Vst Plugin free download. software
1.0.01 - 06.12.2016
- Double click now properly resets the knob position
- Drive knob now has a correct range (extended towards lower gain)
- Version update availability text is now properly colored
- Default preset now initializes all the controls
- Fixed a bug that could affect the compressor/gate gain plot when multiple instances are launched
Sansamp Vst Plugin Free Downloads
1.0.02 - 16.12.2016
- Fixed a bug that affected channel balance of Squeezo Range in stereo mode